
Re-thinking “Born This Way”


It’s obvious from this blog, and my entries, that I am in fact a Lady Gaga fan. I’m admitting it straight out. That being said, I was definitely underwhelmed by her most recent album release. Where was the edgy, monster, ‘Bad Romance’ Gaga we’re all used to? So I listened to Born this Way, deemed it too poppy, and was prepared to set it aside.


Then I was reading the newspaper yesterday (there’s something about the physical reading of an actual paper newspaper that is so nice), and the Arts section featured a review. Curious, I read it, and not surprisingly it began with remarks on similarities between Gaga and Madonna … and David Bowie.  I can see her being musically and fashion-wise inspired by him, absolutely, but the reviewer picked up on something else.


“She refreshes her image at Internet speed. David Bowie developed a new guise for each album[...]” (source).


This seems to be the way to frame Born This Way. Not as a continuation and a progression of her past identity, but as a shape-shifting exploration of a whole new look and sound. And likely, if you’re not a fan of this Gaga, she’ll be revamped again within a couple of years. She’s not trying to create a totally coherent story or picture, but keeping an undertone similar while constantly changing the surface .

So, I think I’m going to like Born this Way, though I may not buy it. It’s not the Lady Gaga of the Fame Monster (my favourite), but another facet that is daring but still hopelessly pop-y. Can’t we enjoy this album the same way that we with a joyful grin, knowing that it is cheesy and not our style, enjoy Young Americans? Respectfully, I have to disagree with some reviews and take Born this Way to be liked and listened to for what it is, not pummeled for what it is not.

1 comment:

  1. ill always love her! everyone is inspired by many things! hers happens to be madonna and david. i love this post!


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