
On a Recent Campus Scandal

I don't mean to be terribly UofA-centric, but I thought I'd write a bit about what's going down on campus lately.

Our university president, Indira Samarasekera (who may I mention is one of the highest paid university presidents in Canada), recently made statements to the local newspaper about how women are starting to outnumber men in undergraduate studies, how she wants to be an advocate for white males, and her worries that in 20-30 years we will have a lack of white male talent to be CEOs and run businesses.

Wait, what?

Samarasekera, herself a woman and a racial minority, seems to be undermining her own position and the position of women in post-secondary institutions everywhere. God forbid women be excelling in universities!

A campus group - which I'm sorry I didn't hear about earlier, or I would have helped out - put up a series of satirical, GREAT posters. Unfortunately, they face possible charges under the Code of Student Behaviour for merely exercising their outrage at the president's behaviour.

As if our university weren't in a dire state with this president already, I am just FLABBERGASTED at her behaviour. Seriously, Indira, haven't you heard of privilege? No? 

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