
How to beat the Monday-morning blues

Mondays have somehow grown to be one of my favourite mornings. Crazy, right? Still, sometimes they're tough. Here are some ideas to help you get through things.


1. Take  minute, drink a cup of coffee, and read the paper. Do the crossword puzzle or wordsearch. Read about the crazy things that might be going on on the other side of the world. In short, take some extra time (I like 1-2 hours) to just relax.

 Annabel from Blushing Ambition shows us how to look stylish yet comfortable.

2. Instead of freaking out about what to wear, reach for the simplest outfit -  a t-shirt and jeans or leggings, if you can wear it to work/school. If you start the week off in 4-inch heels, you'll have blisters for the rest of the week. Go for runners, flats, or a kitten heel.

3. Pack (or make) yourself a nice lunch. It can be made of leftovers from the day before or something you just throw together in the morning. But even PB&J is better for you, and gets you going, more than some $8 cafe panini.

4. Plan something good to do in the evening. My Monday evening pleasure is watching House in front of the tv. Watch some of the myriad of shows on, or give yourself a slow patient manicure for the week ahead. You'll have something to look forward to during the day!

5. Make sure your cell phone / iPod / laptop is fully charged. There's nothing worse than sitting on public transit and having to listen to the tons of jabbering conversations going on around you, or arriving to class or work and realizing you can't display your presentation. Plug everything in Sunday night to be sure Monday goes well!

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