
Is Myspace Dead?

In the last five years or so, Facebook has continually blossomed, to the point where it's unlikely you'll meet anyone nowadays who doesn't have an account at Facebook. But - remember the days before that? Myspace was all the rage, Myspace was where you got fancy and decorated your page with glitter and custom outlines and pictures.  But it's hardly mentioned anymore. This post is a small investigation -

Is Myspace (truly) Dead?

credit to mulia@flickr

I plan to state the cases for and against Myspace. Let's look at a list. 


  •  I personally don't know anyone who is regularly active on their myspace. This includes myself - I log on once every few months to keep my account around, but never go on it daily.
  • People don't ask for your 'Myspace profile name' if they want to get to know you better, whereas it's quite common to ask for your Facebook, and even your Twitter.
  • Most personal Myspaces are leftovers from five years ago, complete with horrible coding and pictures you want no one to ever see again


  • although as I've noted above, I don't check my Myspace daily, I nevertheless have kept my account running, and know of many others who have done likewise
  • Myspace is still a hub for musicians and bands, particularly up-and-coming, little known ones.
  • Case in point, my cousin's band, Indian Wars (who have signed a record deal), have no website extraneous to their Myspace page 
  • Myspace is becoming more and more Facebook-like on the regular, allowing them to retain many users.


 Face it, guys. Myspace is like that old sweater from the seventh grade, with the glitter and words that say 'Baby Angel' that is ridiculously tacky, but you just can't throw it out yet. Myspace is not quite alive, but not totally dead. Monty Python would say it's "not quite dead yet!", and as such, I am proclaiming it UNDEAD. Just when you think it's been beat down, bands are still using it as their home base.

Bonus Prize: If you download the Firefox Add-on VideoDownloadHelper, you can easily rip music from Myspace pages! Get to it!

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