
How to Survive the First Week Back to Classes After Winter Break

I had almost a month off from university classes this winter break, and I'm guessing most other students had the same amount. This is the perfect length to breathe, play some videogames, sleep in, and abandon all responsibility.  But what happens when you're jolted back into real life?

Monday night I set my alarm for 6:30 and crawled into bed. Morning came and I was awakened by my kind mother at 7 am. First slip-up: I had set my alarm for 6:30 PM instead of AM. I got all my books together fine, and left. Second problem: I got home quite early, but felt like collapsing. I hadn't gotten nearly enough sleep the night before. I met some accomplished younger students and doubted my own academic abilities. I felt overwhelmed with the new information of new classes.

This morning, my alarm went off properly. I'd prepared everything the night before. I filled up on coffee. The moral of the story? Think about waking up at a decent hour a few days before classes start again. Don't expect the first week back to go perfectly smoothly. Know that everyone around you is just as frazzled as you are. Breathe.


  1. Eurgh. I fly back to college tomorrow and I'm dreading it in twenty different ways.

  2. I hope you made it through the first few weeks okay! Sorry this comment is so late.


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