
New Years’ Eve, and why Resolutions ARE and AREN’T bunk

Happy 2010 everyone! I wore:

Twill dress from Dot’s, $7.00
with black sheer tights, a black blazer,  and the boots from this entry
(it was too snowy for heels!)

Why New Years’ Resolutions are bunk:
  • People make outrageous goals they can never accomplish, but it’s excusable because they’re ‘resolutions’
  • Goal-setting can be done any time of year. So if you want to quick drinking, don’t drink your face off until January 1st, but stop right now!
Why New Year’s Resolutions aren’t bunk:
  • If you can make less outrageous resolutions and structure your goals (ie. ‘go to the gym twice a week’ rather than ‘exercise more’ or ‘become a bodybuilder’), they’re more likely to be accomplished!
  • Having time off from school/work is an excellent opportunity for reflecting and gathering goals in our minds.

I have a number of goals to work on this year! What are yours?


  1. You look lovely, dear.
    I didn't make any goals in particular, but I do like to use the new year as a marker for getting my shit together.

  2. your blog continues to be awesome. Looking forward to more in the new year!


マッハ Go Go Go!