
Is This Real Life? A Murder Suspect Cut my hair

So, this is the kind of thing that only happens on television, in movies,  or in quirky-chick-lit-type novels.

I went to get my hair cut today, at one of those cheapo places that come in chains, because it’s been driving me up the wall lately. No big deal. Brought in some pictures of asymmetricals and plunked down in the chair to wait.
Anyhow, the hairdresser I get is named Jurgen *(changed just for good measure), he looks 50+, but apparently he’s been working there forever. Weird guy, but cuts my hair.
Midway through another customer is leaving, stops to grab his coat, and the following conversation ensues:
Customer: “Jurgen, you’re out of jail then?”
Jurgen: “hmm?”
Customer: “The murder case thing, right?”
Jurgen: “Oh yeah, they dropped the charges because they never found the body.”
Customer: “Well, I guess they can’t do much without a body. See you around.”

WHILE JURGEN HAD A PAIR OF SCISSORS INCHES AWAY FROM MY HEAD. UHHHH. I kept silent for the rest of the cut. Paid, and left.

So he was definitely a murder suspect at least.
To top it all off: I got home and realized he didn’t cut my hair AT ALL like I wanted it, so I had to go to another hair salon and get it fixed. Or risk being mushroom-headed forever.

But anyhow, the moral of the story is:
1. Listen to your intuitions. The guy was a potential murderer AND screwed up my hair!
2. I am now, fortunately, rocking an asymmetrical cut for the first time. Thanks to Katelyn at Great Clips!


  1. Hmmmm maybe they were joking around? I feel like I were a murder suspect and someone brought it up in my place of work, I'd be a little less nonchalant about it...

    Stopping by from 20SB :)

  2. Oh man, these guys were WEIRD about it and seemed 100% serious though!

    Thanks for the visit :)

  3. Your hair is adorable! Annnnd omg I think I would have totally frozen in that situation. WHY WOULD YOU TALK ABOUT THAT IN PUBLIC?! hahahah

  4. I don't know, man. If the guy's protective alias is something as intimidating as Jurgen, I wouldn't go near him with anything sharper than a banana.
    On a completely different hand, you look great!

  5. Even if he was joking around... That isn't going to instill any sense of satisfaction with a customer let alone a brand new customer...
    That is bizarre... Either way (joking or not) any customer would surely be thinking - get me out of here...
    hairdressers, haircuts, hair styles


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