
Just Like Nodame

One of the wacky Japanese dramas I’m watching lately is ~Nodame Cantabile~. It was originally a manga series.
It’s about a gifted, amazing, stuck-up student named Chiaki who wants to be a conductor – but he gets stuck as a neighbour too, and working with, a sloppy piano player named Nodame (Noda Megumi) who rarely cleans her house and wears jumpers and turtlenecks a lot. They have a love/hate relationship and get into lots of hijinks with their friends at the music university!

Nodame is someone we can all relate to a bit: she’s not a genius, nor the most popular, she has trouble making ends meet to pay the bills! She’s good at her area of study, but not GREAT, needs some refinement, is a bit loud and rambunctious, clutzy, funny (not always intentionally)
Hmmm, this is starting to sound like someone – just call me Nodame!

1 comment:

  1. lol I've been watching this after reading the manga. so cute :>


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