
Not (Quite) Dead Yet: and a note on the Kyriarchy

Real life has definitely taken over lately. Exams, papers, job interviews(!). But I’m almost done. Although I haven’t done much blogging lately, I have done a lot of thinking and I’ve got some great post ideas.

In the meantime, here’s something I learned about for all you feminists and those interested in intersectionality.

Kyriarchy – a neologism coined by Elisabeth Schussler Fiorenza and derived from the Greek words for “lord” or “master” (kyrios) and “to rule or dominate” (archein) which seeks to redefine the analytic category of patriarchy in terms of multiplicative intersecting structures of domination…Kyriarchy is best theorized as a complex pyramidal system of intersecting multiplicative social structures of superordination and subordination, of ruling and oppression.
Patriarchy – Literally means the rule of the father and is generally understood within feminist discourses in a dualistic sense as asserting the domination of all men over all women in equal terms. The theoretical adequacy of patriarchy has been challenged because, for instance, black men do not have control over white wo/men and some women (slave/mistresses) have power over subaltern women and men (slaves).
- Glossary, Wisdom Ways, Orbis Books New York 2001

Gracefully sourced from FeministPhilosophers@Wordpress

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