
コンプユータ だね。

My Computer (source)

Which do you prefer: laptop or desktop? Laptop, just for the fact that when I need to I can easily transport it to school or to a friend’s house.

How many computers do you have in your home? One for my family, and my mum’s work computer, and mine. That makes 3!

Where do you keep it? On my desk in my room, it has two levels and my computer sits on the upper one. Beside it is a lamp.

PC or Mac? PC for the cost sake. Macs are gorgeous, but I can’t dole out the $ right now.

Make? I’ve grown up using mainly Hewlett-Packard computers (HP), so that’s what I stuck with when I got this laptop last fall.

What is your processor (AMD, Intel, Celleron etc.)? Intel Premium. The others don’t have such a good track record.

How much Ram do you have? 4GB, enough to do what I need to.

How much hard disk? 320 GB.

Operating system? Windows 7. Good lord is it better than Vista, I quite enjoy it.

How old is the oldest computer in your home? Oh! I forgot about one, we do have an old Apple computer from 1983/4 in the basement. You can play some awesome retro games on it, but that’s about all! In green and black screen baby.

Do you watch movies/television on your computer? I don’t watch TV shows often, but sometimes I’ll set my laptop on the coffee table in front of my couch and watch movies on it.

Top three favourite games? Spider Solitaire, Farmville, and I would say Worms! (Armageddon) but it’s incompatible with Windows 7, so I’m at a loss for now. ROM CHECK FAIL is always a good one.

Webcam? Built in! Not great, but does the job..

Most used program? Firefox.

Browser of choice? Firefox or Chrome.

When are you going to upgrade? Only when this one bites the dust. I’m a cheapskate!

NOTE: If you’re reading this and have a blog of your own, I’d love to read up on what your own blogging set up is like! Feel free to take this survey for yourself.

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