
Jumping Over Puddles of freshly-melted snow

Yeah, that’s right. I don’t like spring, and I don’t love getting my shoes soaked, but there’s something exhilarating about jumping over puddles of just-melting or freshly-melted snow. Which constitutes the whole ‘spring’ period of my town.

Steps to jumping over newly-melted snow puddles:
1. Brace yourself
2. Estimate whether you can make it over with just one leg.
3. Lift off!
4. Place your opposite foot on the other edge of the puddle. Incidentally, if some water does splash onto your shoe, it’s not so bad.

Related tidbits:
Tash discusses Snow Puddles and  sharing them with her sister on her blog.

Ralph Waldo Emerson:
Crossing a bare common, in snow puddles, at twilight, under a clouded sky, without having in my thoughts any occurrence of special good fortune, I have enjoyed a perfect exhilaration. (Nature)
If you’re not as optimistic or foolish as I am, check out I hate it when snow melts and becomes gray slush puddles on the sidewalk on Facebook.


  1. I approve of this post. It only makes me wish I lived somewhere with snow!

  2. Well, we with this much snow and cold weather have to look on the bright side sometimes! :)

  3. Nice! I love the instructive part :P


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