
How to deal with the crap life gives you

AKA, How To Power Through Things When You Can’t Handle Letting Yourself Be Grumpy. Note: this post is not really prescriptive.

Your carpet gets soaked due to rain seeping in through the walls. WHAT DO YOU DO? Relocate to the couch for 3 weeks. Lord knows you don’t wear most of your wardrobe most of the time, so PUT ASIDE WORLDLY POSSESSIONS FOR A SECOND. It’s liberating.

You’ve got a temporary housemate who never does any dishes, cooking, or cleaning. WHAT DO YOU DO? Grumble a ton, give him hell, and be happy your other housemates are returning soon.

You forgot your bus pass and have two huge bags of groceries and a loaded-down knapsack, stranded at the mall with no change. WHAT DO YOU DO? Suck it up and walk home the 45 minutes, your hands and shoulders aching the whole time, and slowly incurring the world’s worst sunburn upon your shoulders.

A course you were dying to take in the fall semester is cancelled, and the only other real option you have conflicts with another. WHAT DO YOU DO? Email the department passive-aggressively, cut your losses, and take one of those requirements that might let you finish in 5 years instead of 6.

As for the cops showing up on your door every morning at dawn, you might need to get an exorcism done on that phone that dials 911 each day when it’s out of service.
Currently loving: Banzai!

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