
RELEASE ME: Cutting People Out Of Your Life

After all you put me through, I'm still just stuck like glue 

Why don't you run from me, 'Cause I can't leave you 
Before I break your heart, before it breaks my heart 
Before you break my heart, Release me

(The Like, 'Release Me')

I’m not at this moment about to cut anyone out of my life, friend or lover or family member (I’m down to a cozy little circle now, and trustworthy). But I’ve had to do so in the past, and I think that often, especially as young students, or 20-somethings out in the world, we let people close to us become more dangerous and leechy than they should.

The Top 5 People You Should Cut Ties With

1. The One Who Always Starts Fights. If they’re not acting like a friend, there’s no reason to keep them in your life.

2. The One Who Claims To Be ‘Above’ TV/Movies/Pop Music. Snap them out of it or cut them loose. Even if they don’t like anything that’s current right now, they’re still human. And pretending to be up on a pedestal above all others is ridiculous.

3. The One Who Won’t Acknowledge Their Problems, and Convincing Them To Do So Is Ruining Your Life. This is one of the hardest people to split with. But at some point, if their life is breaking down and they won’t listen to reason, you just have to let go.

4. The One Who Constantly Spouts –Isms (racist, sexist, ableist, etc remarks). They’re not doing anyone favours. Even if they claim to be doing so ‘ironically’.

5. The One Who YOU Always Have to Go Looking For. If they never want to initiate contact, they don’t really care about you. It’s hard to admit. But the best thing is to give in and become a stronger person because of it.

I’m not trying to be preachy, so I hope this doesn’t sound like it. But goddammit, life is short enough, I’m not about to waste it surrounded by people who make it worse. And you shouldn’t either.

1 comment:

マッハ Go Go Go!