
Bloggerstock: What Inspires You?

Hi everyone (anyone?), today’s feature is a guest post by the lovely and hilarious Jillian of Kick Her Right In The Habit as a part of Bloggerstock December 2010. This month’s topic is ‘What Inspires You?’ – just in time for the new year and new starts.   Now over to Jillian.

Bloggerstock Time! For you newbies out there Bloggerstock is a blog post swap of sorts. You can check it out or sign up at http://bloggerstock.net
Well this month’s post kinda snuck up on me. For hind sight I should have not committed to anything this holiday season it gets in the way of my drinking as we have been so busy. So it’s 8:36am on December 31st and I’m trying to collect some brain cells to figure out this month’s topic, “What inspires you?” (PS..Thanks and I’m sorry to my gracious host!)
If you’ve seen my blog you’ll see plenty of pictures what inspires me.

This guy for one:


*Warning: Mushy sentimental stuff ahead.*
My Manfriend/Fiancee is one of the most inspirational aspects of my life. If you knew me 4 years ago, I was in a completely different space in life. It wasn’t all bad broke ass, overworked and paying the bills for my useless waste of skin exboyfriend but now I can say that I’m really happy. Now I can’t chalk it all up to him of course (Gotta keep that ego in check) because ultimately it was the choices I made that was a pivotable point but also the support I have from great classy friends like this:


Yup she is one class act all right. She’s a little crazy and border line Manic but she’s my crazy bitch. When ever we hang out it’s always…erm..an adventure. We can’t just go pick up a bag of ice on Christmas morning…nope..we end up at a Vegetarian Indian Restaurant (what else is open on Christmas??) where we wait 45 mins without receiving a drink and end up buying cans of chunky soup at the Shell gas station. A 5 min errand turns into two hours. It’s how we roll.
Another inspiration is:


Yup, my short fat dog who loves having her pictures taken. She’s 11 years old now but still behaves like a pup. She also is the first one to come snuggle when I’m not feeling well. I think that’s mostly because I have a blanket on me and that shit is like a magnet for her. Still I like to think that she loves her momma. She’s also just about as coordinated as me so she’s a constant source of amusement.
There are so many sources of inspiration for me. Kidlet (Manfriend’s 11 year old daughter) is a blast and we often have creativity sessions (drawing, painting, cooking etc) whilst Manfriend works on his ass groove on the couch. Really, if you can’t look around you and find inspiration and encouragment then maybe it’s time to make some life changes.
PS> Somethimes this inspires my blog posts too:

To see what I wrote for Bloggerstock about my inspirations, head over to Leanna’s blog, OMG I moved to NYC!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the warm welcome and once again I'm sorry it was late. Kick me if you want to but not too hard because I bruise easily.

    Hope you have fantastic New Years festivities!


マッハ Go Go Go!