
Things That Make Me Mildly Uncomfortable

Katharine Hepburn shares my emotion in relation to the following.

  • Standing on a train where it's so crowded you don't have to stand up... you're held there by the pressure of all the other bodies around you.

  • Having the strip club scene from Skins come up on my iPod at the gym

  • Eating the cream cheese icing on carrot cake.
  • Checking a livejournal post and seeing tons of pictures of gorgeous folks.
  • Doodling in my notebook in public.
  • Reading should-be-private Facebook statuses. "Joe is so sorry" "Marla is upset" "Joe didn't mean to hurt you" "Marla wishes he would come to the door and say it to her face" "Joe just went next door" "Marla feels better" "Joe :) "
  • The texture of Nutra-Grain bars. See also: Fig Newtons.
  • That feeling when I'm about to sneeze, but don't.
  • Barry Manilow.
  • When someone's tag is trying to flip out of the back of their shirt. All I can do is watch and hope they notice.


  1. "When someone's tag is trying to flip out of the back of their shirt."

    Perhaps my greatest pet peeve. If I know the person (and, occasionally, if I don't), I stick it back in for them.

  2. We need an agony aunt to weigh in on the etiquette of these things! I'm so torn.


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