
1930s Lynchian Expressionism? Sign Me up!

Another movie recently on my roster: The Saddest Music in the World (2003).

  • a sociopathic Broadway producer
  • his militant retired RCMP father
  • the woman who loves the producer, but the father loves her.
  • a pair of glass legs filled with beer
  • a Serbian amnesiac nymphomaniac
  • a grieving, hunch-backed cellist
  • a worldwide competition for which country has the saddest music
  • beautiful 1930s-style cinematography

Want to forget all your troubles and become a nymphomaniac? Sing in dulcet tones while high on a swing above a crowd?  Then try this outfit, which Narcissa would adore!

Want to make a good deal of cash? Win back the man you loved but never loved you? Reign over town as a marketing maven? Lady Port Huntley could help you out there!

Obviously, I recommend everyone go and download or rent this.

1 comment:

  1. Those sets are so good! Makes me want to be in a old classic movie indeed;)


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