
5 reasons to hate ‘glee’ .. and 5 reasons to love it

1. Irrealism: High school isn’t like this. Everyone in the glee club is easily 23+. Campy, campy, campy.
2. Ignoring Non-white characters: Mercedes is the typical ‘loud, sassy, black diva’ character, Tina is the mostly reclusive asian, and Santana is a womanizer. Notably, none of the POC on the show get much for storylines.
3. Rachel and Finn: get 99% of the storyline time/song leads/solos. Sorry, you’re funny and sweet and your characters have stories but FOR GOD’S SAKE LET SOMEONE ELSE SING SOMETIMES.
4. Sue Sylvester: even though she’s a mean nasty character, is still promoting close-mindedness and transphobia very often.
5. Will is not sexy. And he was way physically rough on Teri during their last fight.

 GLEE-less or GLEE-full? 

1. Sue Sylvester: Here’s the double-edged sword. Sue is hilarious, sarcastic, and probably would be the most fun character to play if you were an actor.
2. Kurt’s dad: coming to terms with and defending his son’s sexual orientation, he’s already made a few touching speeches throughout the season.
3. Not only showtunes, but re-done pop songs. Need I say more?
4. Glee is still pretty progressive. It’s dealt with a lot of issues – drugs, safer sex, sexual orientation – that many ‘teen’ focused shows still do not. That being said, I hope we’ll see it become more progressive in the future.
5.Every episode leaves you feeling good afterwards, at least mostly. And, I just love it.

My verdict: Glee passes. Maybe just a B-, but a pass.
Readers: What do you think of Glee?


  1. i'd like to see a viewership in which the stereotyping, unreality, etc etc didn't matter. i mean, i don't really care about that un-p.c. business, it's just people that believe "black-diva" "transphobic"business.

    ALSO WILL =/= SEXY AGREED, also let everyone sing. but hai i am reculsive and not asian, and i will love glee as long as they keep making "burrtiful music" lol.

    i made one

  2. I hate glee for so many reasons! It is truly idiotic with horrible writing. It is very poorly thought out. Relationships are develop and dismantled in seconds! That is not real life. Are the cheerleaders spies or members of the club? Oh, they're both? And everyone's fine with that? Cool story. Mercedes is so stereotypically black, its ridiculous. She, like all the other characters, have no depth! It's just a bunch of singing idiots who recieve praise because of Americas new obsession with musicals. A waste of air time!


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