
Ten Little White Lies I tell myself too often

But keep telling, in the hopes I’ll one day delude myself into believing.

“No one cares what you look like today. No one!”
“It’s okay that your wild party days have already gone, since they never really arrived.”
“Your current size is perfect.”
“You’re still a worthwhile human being, though you’re not as talented or thin as the dancers on SYTYCD.”
“You’re not totally bad at web design.”
“Wishing on the first star you see, and picking up pennies from the ground, might just help.”
“You look much better in real life than in photographs.”
“Some day, you’ll get back to studying and remembering all the interesting hobbies you left behind.”
“Those blackheads on your nose and lips will disappear any day now.”
“You don’t have to worrying about dying, not quite yet.”

1 comment:

  1. +everyone looks better in real life. i'd like to think my nose does not look like a plump summer sausage grafted onto a slightly-less-pink ditto.
    mine are: i have enviable taste in music, i am a wonderful cook, and i will not die alone (because i will be surrounded by loving cats)


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