
long overdue – not just my library books

Why, fancy seeing you around! Though I had fully dispersed into the stacks? Not quite.
This is something of a funny-anecdotes-to-tide-you-over-and-gosh-I-hope-you’re-still-reading post. I’m not sure what that means.

Recent Activity:
  • Alot of homework
  • Attended the Canadian Society for Continental Philosophy’s annual conference – saw four talks in total! My first conference.
  • Read my first Stephen King novel as well.
  • Listening to many mash-ups – a taste. And revisiting Britney Spears’ singles.
  • Trying to get involved with Voices for Choices on campus
  • Nearly breaking my back and knees in a yoga class.
  • Voted in the Municipal Elections … and both the mayor and councillor I chose succeeded! Goodbye, so long, won’t miss you City-Center Airport.
  • Yearning for Etsy treasures

After my mid-semester papers and exams, I’ll be back with a serious business post or two. In the meantime, I don’t know, have some popcorn.


  1. Thank you very much for your sweet tweet -

    I look forward to reading your blog in the future
    best Juliana Pivato

  2. Thank you so much Julia - I came across your name while I was in Montreal on vacation in the summer, and just got to look you up recently.


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